Comparing libraries around the world


Before my recent trip to Poland I read an article about a new library in Warsaw which had a really interesting design concept.  It is called The Book Stop and was designed to look like a 19th century train station, but with the 21st century  content ; a combination of traditional print resources and a media library, with DVDs, CDs and  the state of the art computer workstations (on different “tracks”).   The library is also a true community meeting place with a multitude of wonderful programs that attract local population of different ages.  I made an appointment to see it with Dorota Gorniak , the Head of Libraries in the Ochota section of Warsaw,  and planned to meet her at the library.

When I arrived there I realized it was not a new building,  but a refurbished space on the first floor of an older apartment building.  This always constitutes an architectural challenge!  When I entered the Library I saw several seats along the walls, just like you would see at a train station, a flat screen monitor hanging on the wall displaying library information,  bookshelves to the right and a very large pillar at the end.  I could not see a reference desk or any living person to ask a question or to direct me to the Director.  After further investigation I realized that the reference desk was behind the pillar.   During the tour of the library and when  I felt comfortable enough to ask about the design ,I  got an earful about the architects who would not listen to the library staff about their  and patrons’ needs.  The young architects  have a very good and flashy marketing plan and sell their really interesting library design concepts to the decision makers, towns and cities, but ignore staff suggestions and needs.  As for The Book Stop,  its staff  will consider using another door, closer to the reference desk (that cannot be moved), as the main entrance.  I just hope that they will still want to see me back, despite my complaint.

The visit made me think of some floor design mistakes,  when designing or refurbishing a library, that could be avoided when designing or refurbishing a library:

-obstructed view of a reference desk

-poor visual control of library by staff (especially children’s  or computer section areas)

– lack of proper signage

-furnishing that cannot be moved

What else comes to your minds????

There is a good list on the ALA website that is worth a visit if you are going to think about building or designing your library in the future:

One of the most talked about library buildings is the new  Seattle Public Library.  It was designed by a world famous architectural firm from Holland and still draws many  accolades and a lot of criticism.  Take a look at the library’s home page, and travel to the Central Library.

Ewa Jankowska

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